This is a dish that one of our muun chi followers described as her “favorite”. It is the easiest, yummiest way to feed your little microbes. She has it for breakfast and sometimes as dessert.
1/2 an apple chopped - I used a green one but feel free to use your favorite
1/4 c muun chi CoCoFir
1/4 c chopped pecans
1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
1 T goji berry
1 muun chi Brain bite
I chose to have the apple be the main part of the dish. I placed the chopped apple on the bottom, then most of the CoCoFir, sprinkled the chopped nuts and topped with a dollop of CoCoFir. Put the sprinkle of cinnamon on top, along with the crumbled muun chi Brain bite and goji berry.
It was so refreshing! Clara says she sometimes dribbles some honey too!