Our Potato Leek soup was a big hit. We sold out everyday at the store. So I decided to play with the potato and came up with a soup that is as thick as a stew. I was interested in incorporating the cumin seed and some paprika. You know I'm always trying to introduce some variety and diversity into our foods!
1 chopped onion - about 1 cup
1 c chopped peppers - a mix of colors is nice
1/2 c chopped celery or leeks
5 cloves of crushed garlic
1 tsp cumin seeds crushed
1 tsp paprika and 1 tsp smoked paprika
1 bay leaf
1 large tomato that have been chopped into cubes (canned if you need a shortcut is fine)
3 large red potatoes diced into bite size pieces and cooked the day before
5 cups veggie stock
2 cups organic chickpeas (if you are using the canned ones, rinse and drain)
Favorite greens chopped - about 2 cups
1 c muun chi CoCoFir
Sauté the onion, garlic, celery, peppers, bay leaf with the cumin and paprika for about 4 min. Add your tomatoes and cooked potatoes, and veggie stock. Let the flavors combine for 5 minutes. Add the cooked chickpeas, chopped greens and muun chi CoCoFir (try using the lemon chia for the added zinc!) Salt and pepper to taste.
I love to get creative with this dish. I think it has hints of a spanish stew I had once while traveling in Europe. The cumin brings out so many wonderful flavors in the veggies. As for health benefits, the cumin is a magical powerhouse. It is packed with iron, may help control blood sugar levels and blood cholesterol. There are so many wonderful benefits hidden in our spices and herbs. I try and use the seeds whenever possible, and in this case finding cumin seeds is easy. Go ahead and try toasting them too to add a little roastiness to your stew. This weather has been perfect for all our soup lovers. And there are a lot of you out there!